Recourse Vs Non-Recourse: The Battle For Your Business.

If you have started talking to factoring companies, you are probably becoming familiar with the terms Recourse and Non-Recourse and depending on who’s pitch you are hearing one is the greatest form of factoring ever and the other one is well, the other one. So how do...

Knowing Your Best Collateral Position

How do you know what Collateral Position works best with your business?>/h2> This question is a very important one which can directly affect the way your business operates. This is often overlooked by smaller business. Knowing whether to look for an invoice financing...

Calculating an Invoice Financing Line

How do I correctly calculate my Invoice Financing Line? One of the things that I see over and over again is that companies either ask for too much credit or not enough credit for their invoice financing. Both of these can hurt a company by making a business owner look...