1. You can’t jump skyscrapers in a single bound, but you move enormous amounts of cargo through multiple states in a single trip. Most truck drivers log 120,000 to 150,000 miles per year — an average of up to 500 miles a day (day) — and together, transport billions of tons of cargo per year. That’s flat-out heroic to us ordinary drivers.

2. You’re not quite as fast as speeding bullets, but you deliver your loads efficiently and reliably. You always show up in the nick of time to save the day, delivering stuff wherever it needs to go, without compromising safety.

3. Whether your family’s on Krypton or back in Peoria, you sacrifice time with them to keep our country supplied. You’re out there every day to feed not just your own family, but families all across the country. Without you, grocery store shelves would be empty.

4. You don’t do it for fame; you do it because it needs to be done. Superheroes aren’t self-serving. Friends and family know you only as an ordinary citizen, but you’re a caped crusader behind that big wheel. And you’re fine with that.

5. You follow an unwritten code of courtesy. You’re the guy who does right when something goes wrong. You help out others when breakdowns happen, sound your horn when kids give the signal, and share the road patiently with us less-experienced drivers. Stories of your heroism abound.

Everybody Wants To Be Your Financial Sidekick

Heroes have a way of attracting people. For instance, if you’ve ever had cash flow problems — say, when your income gets stuck behind a stack of unpaid invoices — companies seem to materialize overnight, wanting to be part of your dynamic duo. After all, who wouldn’t want to fund a superhero? But even x-ray vision can’t help you separate the good lending guys from the bad. Some are real characters.

That’s where we come into the picture. We’re the one transportation industry finance resource that prequalifies each of our accounts receivable financing partners for you. We do all the research so you’ll get the full plot, positive and negative — not just the information from sales brochures. That leaves you more time to size up bids and choose the right one for your needs.

Our nerdy financing-company hats are off to you, knights of the road. We’d be honored to return your many favors with lending services you can trust. Learn more about factors and factoring services here.

Photo Courtesy of JD Hancock